I visited Lankaidea, since I wanted to buy Addi's Lace circular needles in sizes US 00 (1.75 mm) and US 0 (2.0 mm). At the same time I made an impulse purchase and I already regret it a bit. I bought one skein of yarn and later on I realized it is not enough for knee socks and if I buy another skein then I will have plenty of leftovers. I have to think whether I have some other yarn which I can use for heel/rib or whether I will knit a pair of socks for someone else or whether I should hand this problem to someone else. :D
Tein itselleni polvisukat yhdestä kerästä Zauberballia kolmosen puikoilla. Blogistani löytyy juttua viime vuoden loppupuolelta, samoin Ravelrysta.