Tänä vuonna tein maisemakortteja, minkä ohjeen löysin TaavaNainen ja Riiviö -blogista. Tein jopa aika tarkkaan ohjeen mukaan. Minulla oli erilainen kiekuraleimasin ja hieman erilaiset värit, mutta tykkään lopputuloksesta. Kortit ovat 2-puoleisia mustia kortteja, nostaa tuon kuvan hyvin esille. Tosin valokuvassa ei erotu ne hienot kimalteet, jotka korttiin sulatin.

Okay, I have finalized the Christmas cards I made. And I still have plenty of time to post those, since it is only 20 o’clock and there are only few kilometers to nearest post office. It is in the connection with gas station, that’s the reason why it is open so late. Today is the day when you still can send all the Christmas cards with lower costs – I think, this is the way how our post tries to get all the cards early enough; those will be delivered just before Christmas, so they have time to sort those out.
I always make the Christmas cards by myself, but I make similar kind of cards to everyone.
I made landscape cards; instructions were available on Taavanainen ja Riiviö –blog. I followed the instructions quite thoroughly. I did not have similar kind of twirl stamp and the colors were little bit different, but I like the result. Cards are 2 sided black ones, which brings out the picture really well. Unfortunately you can't see the sparkling glitter in a picture.
Kiva, kun kävit kommentoimassa, että olit tykännyt mallikortistani ja ohjeesta. Toki sitä saa hyödyntää, siksihän se on tyrkylle laitettu.