Okay, this is the last pair of socks which I knitted as a Christmas present. These are men's sock and I assume he will use these inside rubberboots - that's the reason why I selected Novita 7-veljestä yarn for these. This yarn is actually quite old - I assumed I had some old acrylic yarn stored upstairs, but then I found these as well. I gave away all the different, colourful acrylic yarns - I gave part of those to day care centre etc. but I kept these. The ones who are familiar with the old 7 veljestä might understood if I explain there were information about Rondo and Impivaara and Helsinki Villakehräämö. In addition to that there was a slogan like "Finnish most popular yarn since the year 1972".

Nämä on tehty tuolla kuvaamallani testisukka -metodilla. Kuvioksi otin GoddessKnitsin (Renee Leverington) Funhouse-sukista. Tosin minulla oli tässä vähemmän silmukoita, joten himppasen sävelsin.
I made these socks according to instructions which I explained in my test sock -post and I used GoddessKnits' (Renee Leverington) Funhouse-sock pattern. I had a little less stitches so I modified the pattern a little bit.

Tulipas noista sukista todella kivannäköiset kahdella värillä neulottuna!