Päätinpä tehdä siitä kaulahuivin. Mallineuleen valkkasin tuosta 1000 Knitting Patterns -kirjasta, valitsin numeron 120. Tosin huvitti itseäni, että kirjassa on 1000 mallineuletta ja minä valkkasin juuri sen, missä on joku lisäselitys kuvan alla japaniksi ilman mitään selventäviä kuvasarjoja. Lopputuloksen perusteella epäilen, että tuli muokattua tuota mallineuletta aikas reilusti. Halusin siis neuloa huivin, jossa mallineule on niin lyhyt ja sen tyyppinen, että voin neuloa huivia niin pitkälle kuin lankaa riittää. Lankaa riitti noin 25 cm leveään ja 180 cm pitkään kaulahuiviin. Huivin saaja on tyytyväinen.

I think it was about two years ago when I received a package, since I joined Finnish Ravelry swap. The package contained two skeins of ink-blue Grignasco Merinosilk. I knitted a Fairy Wings mystery shawl using that yarn as double and still I had almost one skein as a leftover.
I decided to knit a scarf. I used the pattern number 120 from the 1000 Knitting Patterns -book. It is kind of funny; the book has 1000 patterns and I had to select the one, which has some additional instructions written in Japanese and it does not have any additional explaining pictures at all - as there is in the beginning of book. Based on the result I made quite a big modifications to the pattern. :D However, the pattern worked fine and I was able to knit as long as I had yarn, which was enough for a 25 cm x 180 cm scarf. I gave the scarf as a present and the new owner seems to be happy.

Lanka/Yarn: Grignasco MerinoSilk
Väri/Color: Petrooli / Ink-Blue
Määrä/Amount: 84 g (1177.5 m / 1287.7 yards)
Puikot/Needles: 3.25 mm / US 3

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