Normaalisti teen täysin identtisiä kortteja kaikille, mutta askarteluliikkeessä ei ollut riittävästi samanlaisia 3D-kuvia, eikä myöskään samanlaisia tarroja, joten tänä vuonna idea ja sommittelu on kaikissa korteissa sama, mutta sisältö hieman eri.
Kuvat ovat varsin heikkolaatuisia, kun nappasin ne aamusella ennenkuin lähdin kiikuttamaan niitä postiin ja koska kyseessä on CD-kortit, niin CD:eissä näkyy mukavasti heijastumana minun käteni, kamerani ja osa mun aamutakistakin. :)
I think there were quite a many Finns who were buying/making Christmas cards during last weekend, since this Monday is the last day for sending those. Or not actually the last day, but after today you have to pay normal fee instead of special Christmas card payment. This was a special case for me, since usually I know what kind of cards I will make a bit earlier. This year I got the idea on Saturday when I was buying the material for the cards. Since I had to make all these cards during this weekend I had to make quite simple ones.
Usually I make similar cards for each, but this time I had to buy different kind of 3D-pictures, since the shop did not have enough same kind of angels or dogs or… So, this year I have same kind of cards, but not exactly the same.
The quality of the pictures is quite poor, since I took those early in the morning just before posting them. Since those cards contain used CDs you can see my hands, my camera and part of my bathrobe. :)