Tästä johtuen sit päätin katsella, että minkälainen tuosta huivista tulee, jotta tiedän, haluanko edes ottaa riskiä. Samoin halusin varmistaa, että tämä suorakaiteen mallinen huivi on todellakin symmetrinen yms. eli voin sit tehdessäni punnita, että paljonko lankaa on mennyt ja sit puolessa välissä huivia voin tsekata riittääkö lanka vai joudunko purkamaan koko siihen asti tekemäni työn. Niin, tarvinneeko mainita, että tuota lankaa ei saa lisää. Renee
Okay, Renee has now published 4 Clues of Winter Mystery Shawl 08 and I decided to start it now. I have yarn which was originally intended for Mystery Shawl #9, but for some reason I did not like the pattern and frogged the shawl almost in the beginning. I feel this yarn would suit perfectly for this Winter Mystery, but the problem is I have only 1100 yds when Renee said this needs 1200 yds. I have noticed Renee’s estimations are a bit generous, but there have been situations where we have used all the yarn and once the pattern was changed a bit since the recommended yarn was not enough.
Due to this yarn problem I wanted to wait and see whether I like the pattern and whether I want to take the risk. In addition to that I wanted to be sure this rectangular is really symmetrical etc. Then it is possible for me to follow-up how much yarn I have used for each clue and in the middle of shawl I can just count whether I have enough yarn to finish the shawl or whether I have to frog the whole thing I have made so far. I assume, it is clear for you it is not possible to get more of that yarn… :)

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