Clue 2 was published on Saturday evening, if we think Finnish time. The Clue 1's pattern continued in the sides of the Clue 2 and there is something "extra" in the middle. It is quite relaxing to knit this shawl; the pattern is kind of easy; you need not to check the chart all the time and after you have knitted the first half you can knit the other one by heart. I would not like to knit such easy shawls all the time, but every now and then it is fun. Since this is easy and fast to knit I finished the Clue 2 quite fast - on Sunday evening; though I did knit without any rush.

5.12.2008: Koska tämä malli on nyt julkaistu, niin poistin varoitukset mysteeristä ja vaihdoin kuvan isommaksi / Since this pattern has been published I removed spoiler alerts and changed the picture to bigger one.
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