The first clue of September Mystery was published on yesterday and I knitted it this morning. Due to time difference I get the clues around Saturday evening which is kind of boring; it would be nice to get those already in the morning, but there we are. I do not expect Renee to wake up during the nights. I have used the recommended Susan’s Spinning Bunny Panda yarn and the color is called Black Cherry. It was not as violet as I expected but I do like the yarn. It contains huge variety of different colors and I like the shimmer.

5.12.2008: Koska tämä malli on nyt julkaistu, niin poistin varoitukset mysteeristä ja vaihdoin kuvan isommaksi / Since this pattern has been published I removed spoiler alerts and changed the picture to bigger one.
Jaaha, taas salaista huivia... Jäi sitten itseltä taas liittymättä ;P