Huivini on aavistuksen erikoisen näköinen, koska päädyin puolikkaaksi muuntamisen lisäksi tekemään tämän kaikista Goddess Knitsin vanhoista mysteereistä jääneistä langoista. Pinkki on Imbolcin jämät, tumma purppura on Dracula's Briden loput, violetti jäi tähteeksi Midwinter Evestä ja tumma yönsininen Ostarasta. Ei sinänsä hassumpi lopputulos, vaikka ei ehkä kovin vakavasti otettava.

Finally I was able to take a picture about the finished shawl. This is Goddess Knits’ 3 years Anniversary Mystery Shawl and participation to this KAL was free of charge. First I thought I will not knit it since I do not like round shawls which you have to use as folded. However, then I realized I could easily modify the pattern a bit and knit it as a half circle. This mystery was a bit different than usual, since there were 4 alternatives for each clue. As a result it is possible to have several different kinds of shawls using these instructions. This time my selections were C-D-A-D, the border is similar for each.
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