I have been organizing all the closets upstairs and I found almost 900 grams black Novita Venla yarn. I do not have slightest idea when and why I have bought those, but I guess it has happened quite a many years ago.

Sieltä löytyi kaikkea muutakin sekalaista, mutta lajittelin langat laatikoihin ja vein ne yhdelle tanssitunnille tarjolle. Kerroin siis porukalle etukäteen, että olisi lankoja tarjolla ensi tunnilla ja niitä saa viedä, kuka haluaa. Osa langoista meni yksityiskäyttöön, mutta osa meni päiväkotiin jne. Vielä on vähän sekalaisia jäljellä - ne varmaankin vien yhteen toiseen päiväkotiin.
There were some other yarns as well and I sorted those to boxes and took those boxes with me when I joined my weekly dance lesson. I had told beforehand I will bring some yarns with me and whoever can take those free of charge. Some of the people wanted to have yarns for themselves and one took yarns for day nursery etc. I still have some yarns left; I am going to deliver those to another day nursery.
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