Tein sitten kohtuu tiukkaa virkaten tuollaisen Catherine Wheel palasen ja se saa luvan toimia mattona. Lankaa meni sellaiset 360 grammaa tuohon 57 cm x 69 cm palaseen, joten taidan tehdä toisenkin maton, mutta ehkä jollain eri kuviolla.

Since I still have crocheting mood on and since I found those weird cotton yarns I decided to crochet some “carpets”. We have shower cubicle and so far I have had a small towel on the floor in front of it. When I (or someone else) step out from the cubicle I (or someone else) can stand on the towel and I (or someone else) do not have to dry the floor after each time someone takes a shower. But I guess you know towel on the floor looks like you have a towel on the floor. Not good.
I crocheted one piece using Catherine Wheel pattern and I used a bit smaller hook to be able to get a tight result. I used app. 360 grams of yarn and the size of the carpet is 57 cm x 69 cm, so, I have some yarn for another carpet as well. Though I guess I will use another pattern.

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