Tässä kuva, kun ensimmäinen vihje oli tehty:

Perhaps it is a good time to add some pictures about the shawl I am knitting. It is GoddessKnits’ MysteryShawl #16 and I am using Wollmeise’s yarn, which you can see in my previous post. I started with WD Campari Piccolo and it looks quite nice though I am not that kind of person who usually uses orange. It will be interesting to see whether I can use that or whether I am knitting a shawl for some one else. :D
In the first picture you can see the shawl after finishing the first Clue. I realized I forgot to take a picture about Clue 2, but here is the picture after finishing Clue 3:

Huomasin, että unohdin ottaa kuvan kakkosvihjeen jälkeen, mutta tuossa yläpuolella on huivista, kun kolmas vihje valmistui.
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