Tuo reuna on sellainen, että se on helppo taivuttaa myös pystyyn, joten tuosta saisi ihan kivan pikkukipon, jos sen tärkkäisi. Jos siis virkatuista kipoista pitää - minä en ole aivan varma, että oisko sellainen minun makuuni.
Lanka/Yarn: Biella ja/and Emma
Väri/Color: Keltainen ja valkoinen / Yellow and white
Määrä/Amount: 40 g keltaista ja 18 g valkoista / 40 g yellow and 18 g white
Koko/Size: 30 cm

I saw this kind of doily when I visited a friend. She told it is an old doily and she does not have slightest idea who has made it. There was some kind of star in the middle, but the interesting part was the border. The doily has been made for Christmas; it was red with some green in the border. Since I had some yellow and white yarn in my stash I made a bit modified star, which is a bit like flower. I think it suits better with those colors.
I tried to study how the border is made and I think I was able to do something similar. Unfortunately my friend lives far away, so, I cannot double check the idea and she is not able to comment anything which is related to crocheting. :)
I think this could be used also as a platter. You can see the idea on the second picture. Of course, it would require a little bit starch or sugar & water and that’s it!

Onpas kivannäköinen erilainen liina.