Huivista pitäisi tulla puolipyörylä ja lisäyksiä tehdään, missä sattuu. Ihan hauska. Alkuperäiseen malliin tulisi todella paljon helmiä, mutta koska minä käytän huivejani arkena toimistolla, niin runsaat helmikoristelut ovat mielestäni hieman liikaa. Minä teen huivini siis ilman helmiä. Mutta, täytyy silti mainita, että ainakin tässä ekassa vihjeessä helmet olisi lisätty nurjan puolen kerroksilla ja niitä on PALJON.
Huivin suunnittelija on minulle uusi tuttavuus, Susan Pandorf eli Sunflower Designs. Huivin teema liittyy Taruun Sormusten Herrasta.
Lankana minulla on WM Lace, Fliederbusch

I will use the WM Lace, Fliederbusch.
I saw a picture of this shawl in one of the Ravely’s threads and I liked the result a lot. This is a bit different Mystery Shawl KAL, since it was possible to join in later phase as well. I joined couple of days ago and all the clues have been already published and some of the members have finished their shawls already.
The shape of this shawl is half circle and it contains a lot of beads and inserts are not in line. Since I use my shawls at the office I decided NOT to insert beads, since I think the shawl with beads is not totally appropriate for everyday use. However, I still have to mention; in this shawl you should add the beads during the wrong side rows and at least in the first clue there were A LOT of those.
I have not seen this designer’s works earlier; though it seems she has several designs already. Her name is Susan Pandorf from Sunflower Designs. The theme of the shawl is related to Lord of the Rings.
Clue 1: