Pussukka on siis ostettu Etsyn kautta Blue Tulipsilta. Työn jälki on hyvää, pussukka on tehty kaksinkertaisesta kankaasta ja sisällä on sellainen läpinäkyvä sivutasku, jonne voi pistää jotain pientä. Ja mainitaan nyt vielä sekin, että tuo pussinsuun rypistysnaru luistaa sujuvasti eli pussin sulkeminen ja avaaminen on helppoa, mutta se ei kuitenkaan aukene/löysty itsestään.

Some time ago one of the Ravelry's Kahelit introduced a project bag she had bought. The sheep pattern of fabric was something I really liked and I wanted to have a similar kind of project bag immediately. Furthermore, I had thought I need a project bag which can handle needles properly. I have a bag, but it is so thin that the needles punch the fabric and I think you can guess I do not like it. That kind of project bag is quite useless.
I bought this bag from Blue Tulips; she’s selling her bags via Etsy. The bag is good looking, it seems to be carefully done. The fabric is double and inside the bag there is a small transparent notions pocket. I also have to mention the closing mechanism works fine – it is smooth to open and close, but it does not open by itself.