1. minä pidän neulomisesta,
2. vielä enemmän pidän jonkun tarvitsemien juttujen neulomisesta,
3. minusta on ihan hauska neuloa tavallisia sukkia "välipaloina" ja
4. minulla on erilaisia ja erivahvuisia sukkalankoja varastossa.
No, tuo edellä mainittu listahan siis tarkoittaa sitä, että jos sukat ovat riekaleina, niin asiasta kannattaa olla ihan hipihiljaa, koska voihan olla, että juuri nyt minulle on iskenyt pahimmanlaatuinen sukkientekoallergia.
Nämä tein ensi hätään ja saamisen ehtona oli, että pahimmat riekalesukat julmasti poistetaan käytöstä. Ajattelin tehdä toiset heti perään ja pohdiskelen, josko kokeilisin tehdä vahvennetun pohjan koko matkalle - saappaissa kuulemma on tilaa.
Niin, sukat ovat sitä ilahduttavaa kokoluokkaa 47. Siksi aina pitää varoiksi tehdä pari raitaa varteen, jotta voi sit samalla langalla tarvittaessa tehdä kärjet, jos varsinainen lanka loppuu kesken. :D

Lanka/Yarn: Novita 7-veljestä
Väri/Color: Mustaa ja punaista / Black and red
Määrä/Amount: 143 g (288 m / 314.9 yards)
Puikot/Needles: 3.5 mm (US 4)
I think I have mentioned one of my nearest is able to destroy significant amount of socks during a short period. Few days ago he mentioned he has sore (?) due to rubber boots he has used. That sounded a bit weird and I asked how it is possible since he has had those boots for a long time already. After that I found out that all of his socks (which can be used with boots) are full of holes. He knows:
1. I like to knit,
2. even more I like to knit things, which are necessary for someone,
3. I like to knit basic socks between more complicated projects, and
4. I have different kind of sock yarns in my stash.
Okay, I guess that list means; if your socks are unusable it is better NOT to mention about it, since I might have developed a sock knitting allergy of the worst kind.
So, I quickly knitted these and I said he can get those if he throws away one pair of those unusable socks. I think I will knit another pair immediately, but perhaps I could boost the sole somehow. He told the rubber boots are big enough for heavier socks as well.
The size of these socks is around European 47, due to that I always make couple of stripes to leg. If I run out of the main color I can use the stripe color for toes. :D